Dezi::MultiTenant has been released to CPAN. From the documentation: Dezi::MultiTenant provides a simple way to mount multiple Dezi::Server applications in a single Plack app using a single configuration structure. Dezi::Server allows you to serve multiple indexes, but all the indexes must have identical schemas. Dezi::MultiTenant allows you to server multiple indexes per server, and each […]
release announcements
Dezi::Bot 0.002 has been released to CPAN. Dezi::Bot is a web crawler based on SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Spider, optimized for running parallel crawls across multiple machines, using a shared DBI-based queue and caching framework. The Dezi::Bot can be used to create and update Dezi-ready indexes, mirror websites, or anything else you would expect a web spider to do.
Dezi 0.2.7 has been released to CPAN. This release has zero new features or fixes, but does include some internal refactoring to support new modules Dezi::MultiTenant and Dezi::Admin.
Dezi 0.2.4 is now on CPAN. Notable feature in this release is support for LucyX::Suggester which can provide spelling and alternate query term suggestions as part of the standard response. Other packages released in support of Dezi 0.2.4: * Search::OpenSearch 0.23 * Search::OpenSearch::Engine::Lucy 0.13
Dezi 0.2.2 has been uploaded to CPAN. This is a security release. Changelog below: 0.002002 13 Sept 2012 * fix security issue with non-idempotent requests to /search URL app, bypassing authentication on the /index URL app. Dezi::Config now has a search_server instance and an index_server instance instead of a single server instance. Requires Search::OpenSearch::Server 0.19.
Dezi 0.2.1 has been released to CPAN. This release has documentation fixes only. Dezi clients for Python, PHP and Perl are all at version 0.2.0 now, with username/password support added.
Dezi 0.2.0 has been uploaded to CPAN. The minor version bump from 0.1 to 0.2 reflects a major internal refactoring and a solidifying of the API. The changelog: 0.002000 11 Sept 2012 * refactor all config into Dezi::Config * add optional basic authentication for /index, /commit and /rollback actions * add Architecture doc, flesh out […]
Dezi 0.1.8 has been uploaded to CPAN. New versions of the PHP, Perl and Python clients have also been released. This new version of Dezi introduces a big performance optimization, in the form of transactions. Previous versions would open a new Indexer on every HTTP request, calling $indexer->finish() on every document addition. While that request […]
New version of Dezi uploaded to CPAN just moments ago, along with new versions of: * Search::OpenSearch (0.18) * Search::OpenSearch::Engine::Lucy (0.10) * Search::Tools (0.78) * Search::Query::Dialect::Lucy (0.07)
Happy to announce the release of Dezi 0.1.6 to CPAN. Along with this release are two supporting packages: * Dezi::UI 0.1.3 * Dezi::Stats 0.1.0 There is also a demo of the Dezi::UI module running at