Hot on the heels of 0.2.9, Dezi 0.2.10 has been pushed to CPAN.
From the Changes file:
0.002010 12 Feb 2013 * change --elastic to use 'autoall' with SWISH::3 1.000006
Hot on the heels of 0.2.9, Dezi 0.2.10 has been pushed to CPAN.
From the Changes file:
0.002010 12 Feb 2013 * change --elastic to use 'autoall' with SWISH::3 1.000006
Dezi 0.2.9 has been pushed to CPAN.
From the Changes file:
0.002009 12 Feb 2013 * add --elastic feature to dezi cli * document strip_markup => 1 in snipper_config
Dezi 0.2.8 is on its way to CPAN. From the Changes file:
0.002008 8 Feb 2013 * fix about->admin_class reporting * add --admin option to dezi cli, document --admin-class
After many months of rumination and a furious three weeks of coding, the first release of the Dezi::Admin module is on its way to CPAN.
You can see a demo of the admin interface here,
using the same search index that powers
Dezi now has a Ruby client. Please try it out and report bugs to the mailing list.
Dezi::MultiTenant has been released to CPAN.
From the documentation:
Dezi::MultiTenant provides a simple way to mount multiple Dezi::Server applications in a single Plack app using a single configuration structure.
Dezi::Server allows you to serve multiple indexes, but all the indexes must have identical schemas.
Dezi::MultiTenant allows you to server multiple indexes per server, and each server can have a different schema, as well as individual administration, logging, unique configuration, etc.
Dezi::Bot 0.002 has been released to CPAN.
Dezi::Bot is a web crawler based on SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Spider, optimized for running parallel crawls across multiple machines, using a shared DBI-based queue and caching framework.
The Dezi::Bot can be used to create and update Dezi-ready indexes, mirror websites, or anything else you would expect a web spider to do.
Dezi 0.2.7 has been released to CPAN.
This release has zero new features or fixes, but does include some internal refactoring to support new modules Dezi::MultiTenant and Dezi::Admin.
In the interest of eating our own dogfood, is now using the dezi-for-wordpress WordPress plugin to power the search on this site.
Dezi 0.2.4 is now on CPAN. Notable feature in this release is support for LucyX::Suggester which can provide spelling and alternate query term suggestions as part of the standard response.
Other packages released in support of Dezi 0.2.4:
* Search::OpenSearch 0.23
* Search::OpenSearch::Engine::Lucy 0.13